This article describes the suggested procedure for migrating an entry from the old Registry to the new Registry.


Sign into the new Registry and navigate to the registry form. You can access the form by clicking Register a 928 on the homepage, or Post Vehicle Information Here button on the registry page.

In a new tab navigate to your section of the old Registry and open your first car.

Vehicle Information

Fill in as much information as you can in the new Registry form.

If the full VIN is not listed, you can use the serial number listed to figure out the VIN. This page will help. 

All VINs entered into the new Registry must be confirmed. Use this page to make sure the VIN is real and the production number is correct.

If the VIN cannot be determined, or is beleived to be incorrect, make note of which cars have problems preventing migration. After completing your section, send that list to me at


The easiest method of migrating the photos is to save the photos to your computer in a folder specific to the car you are working on. Right-click > Save As.

There are add-ons for Chrome and Firefox that will help this go faster if you want to go that route. It is a little more involved, but will save you a few clicks. If you need help getting one of these plugins, contact me at

After downloading all of the photos, upload one of them to the main photo field, and put the rest in the other photos field.

Data Verification

The Data Verification message for cars transferred from the old registry should follow:
Verified: Required Vehicle Details: Transferred from old Registry mm/dd/yyyy

If more fields are verified, they should be listed individually in this step. Refer to the Verification Guidelines for moe information on how to determine what data can be verified.

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