Joining the 928 Owners Club for the first time?

Already registered on the site?

Log into the site first, then select 'Join' on the 'Membership' menu and fill out the Membership Application.

Never registered on the site?

Select 'Join' on the 'Membership' menu and fill out the Membership Application. Once completed, you will be registered on the site.


Renewing your 928 Owners Club membership?

Active Membership and previously logged into the site?

First log into the site. Once logged in, Select the 'Renew Active Membership'  menu item  on the 'Membership' menu and fill out the form to renew.  Once renewed, if any profile information has changed, select 'Member Profile' and revise as  needed.

If you do not see the 'Renew Active Membership' menu item your membership is no longer active. Select  the 'Renew Expired Membershp' menu item to renew.

The renewal start date will be the end date of the existing active membership.


Expired Membership?

First log into the site. Once logged in, Select the 'Renew Expired Membership'  menu item  on the 'Membership' menu and fill out the form to renew.  All of your current contact infomation, etc. will appear. Once renewed, if any profile information has changed, select 'Member Profile' and revise as  needed. Your original Join date, years of membership and award cycle information is preserved.

Active Membership and never logged into the site?

Contact us using this email link and we will send you your username and a temporary password, so that any Forum posts that we've migrated over from the old site are retained under your old username. Register on the site and log in, the 'Renew' button will show on the 'Membership' menu. Once renewed, if any profile information has changed, select 'Member Profile' and revise as  needed.

The renewal start date will be the end date of the existing active membership.


Contact the Membership Chairperson?

Contact the Club 


Don't have an account yet? Register Now!