Welcome to the 928 Owners Club Vin Decoder.
The 928OC Vin Decoder database is available to Registered users of this site and covers the Porsche 928 production run from 1980 through 1995. It was created from the Porsche PET program and made available to the Club for its use. It provides production, engine, transmission, and option code information for each car in the database.
The database is accessible, sortable, and searchable from the 'VIN Database' link on this site. Some VIN numbers are missing from the database; probably less than one percent and randomly scattered throughout the years and models.
The VIN DECODER displays a title for the car that shows the YEAR, MODEL (S, S4, GTS, etc) and MARKET ( 'US' means cars delivered to the US and Canada and 'ROW', means 'Rest of World').